The Photowalk

October 09, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Last weekend was the Worldwide Photowalk. The walk is held annually and happens in hundreds of locations around the globe. I have hosted the WWPW a few times and have always enjoyed the experience.

Past walks have included Chinatown, Inglewood, Pearce Estate Park, the Lougheed House so a new location was needed. After a little scouting around the location of the walk was chosen as Calgary’s East Village. This was a strategic choice because it is centrally located, has a variety of urban and park scenes and is accessible.

Once the group had gathered it was time for the obligatory group shot. After that we were off on our walk.

The light was flat out ugly. Photographically the light was about as bad as your could get. everything looked two dimensional. We did get a sliver of light just as we were wrapping up the walk and about to head to the restaurant – and yes, like a camera happy tourist I took advantage go the opportunity.

I always find it extremely fascinating that a group of photographers can be in the same place at the same time and come up with what appears to be photographs from totally different places. Each photographer puts their own creating mind to the task. I have had photographers say to me ‘I wish I shot it your way’ meanwhile I’m thinking that their angle and method was pretty good.

After the photowalk it is traditional to heal to a nearby restaurant for some food and good conversation. It is always fun to hang out with other photographers and see how they interpret a scene. Thank you everyone for a great afternoon. 




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